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What are the two types of activated carbon?


Activated carbon, as an important adsorption material, plays a key role in various fields. It is widely used in many industries such as water treatment, air purification, medicine, food processing, etc. However, many people may not know that activated carbon is mainly divided into two types according to its physical form and manufacturing process: powdered activated carbon and granular activated carbon. This article will introduce the characteristics and applications of these two types of activated carbon in detail.


1. Powdered activated carbon


Characteristics of powdered activated carbon


Powdered activated carbon (PAC, Powdered Activated Carbon) usually exists in the form of fine powder, with a particle diameter of less than 1 mm, and a common particle size range of 0.15 to 0.25 mm. Due to its large surface area, powdered activated carbon has extremely strong adsorption capacity.


Manufacturing process of powdered activated carbon


Powdered activated carbon is mainly produced by physical or chemical activation. Common raw materials include coal, wood, coconut shells, etc., which are treated by high-temperature carbonization and activation to form activated carbon with rich pore structure.


Application of Powdered Activated Carbon


1). Water Treatment: Powdered activated carbon is widely used in the water treatment industry, mainly for removing organic pollutants, odors and colors from water. Due to its fine particles, it can be quickly dispersed in water, providing efficient adsorption capacity.


2). Food Processing: In the food industry, powdered activated carbon is used for decolorization and removal of impurities, such as in the refining process of syrup and edible oil.


3). Medicine: Powdered activated carbon is used in the pharmaceutical field to prepare medicinal carbon tablets for the treatment of symptoms such as indigestion and poisoning.


2. Granular Activated Carbon


Characteristics of Powdered Activated Carbon


Granular activated carbon (GAC) exists in the form of granules, and its particle diameter is usually between 0.2 and 5 mm. Compared with powdered activated carbon, granular activated carbon has better mechanical strength and wear resistance.


Manufacturing process of powdered activated carbon


The manufacturing process of granular activated carbon is similar to that of powdered activated carbon, but it is different in the carbonization and activation stages. By controlling the temperature and activation time, granular activated carbon with different pore size distributions is formed to meet different application requirements.


Application of Powdered Activated Carbon


1). Air Purification: Granular activated carbon is widely used in air purification equipment, such as air filters and air purifiers, to remove harmful gases, odors and pollutants from the air.


2). Industrial Application: In the industrial field, granular activated carbon is used for waste gas treatment, solvent recovery and chemical reaction catalysis. Its larger particle size makes it suitable for the rapid flow of gases and liquids.


3). Drinking Water Treatment: Granular activated carbon is also widely used in drinking water treatment systems, and is often used to remove chlorine, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other impurities in water to provide purer drinking water.


In summary, the diversity of activated carbon enables it to perform well in various applications. Although powdered activated carbon and granular activated carbon have different forms and applications, they both have excellent adsorption properties and provide important support for environmental protection and industrial production. Understanding and selecting the appropriate type of activated carbon can more effectively solve specific problems and improve treatment efficiency. With the continuous advancement of science and technology, the application field of activated carbon will be more extensive and play a greater role.